Many of you have been inquiring about membership renewals. Please continue to retain your membership in VDTA-SDTA! And watch as the new website, programs, and more roll out for our members. We are working hard to get info current, with invoices emailed to all that are due for renewal. That will be up to date soon. We also USPS mail your membership invoice following the email invoice sent.
To make it easy and fast, you can now pay your dues online via the link in your invoice. This is a secure online process. Of course, you can still mail a check if that is best for you. If you have any questions about making a payment or renewal info, please email or call our office. Note we no longer take credit card numbers over the phone.
We have a revised Members Benefits packet that will be emailed to all members this week, with Members-Only links to all the providers. You will be receiving your 2020 Membership Certificate along with a VDTA-SDTA Member window cling mailed shortly too.
As we move into 2021, VDTA-SDTA will continue to undergo a “digital transformation”. Keep watch at the newly transformed Please, be patient with us as we get more online. While we work to streamline much at VDTA-SDTA we will be relying on your email address. Be sure your information on file with us is correct, and add to your accepted emails so you don't miss anything!
Some fun things to keep watch on, so visit our site often. We have a HUGE program to unveil for all the members in early 2021. And we will need your email to be sure we can connect with you!
